Emily Bustos
Principal Payroll Analyst - Business and Financial Services
Emily Bustos exemplifies staff excellence in the area of process improvements. In 2011, Emily developed a form that she introduced into the employee new hire paperwork, allowing for employees to request to receive their W-2 electronically. In order to make the form a success she worked with UCOP Payroll Coordination. The impact on the process was overwhelming and this process improvement saved approximately $10,000 for 2011. Emily is currently performing three roles: her regular payroll responsibilities, UCPath project team member, and campus case management representative for the UCPath Service Center. In addition, Emily volunteers to work with other campus departments to map current processes, looking for process improvement and standardization where possible. Her efforts helped Central Human Resources Benefits Office and Parking and Transportation improve their current processes.
Angie Salinas
Director, Student Services - School of Natural Science
Angie Salinas has exhibited exemplary performance, unusual initiative and strong commitment to UC Merced’s mission. Angie serves as the Director of Student Services for the undergraduate students in the School of Natural Sciences. A good example of Angie’s initiative is her work in developing the Advisors website, which is a highly interactive page for the students. Angie’s design vision and use of the latest web technologies have allowed her team to advise students more efficiently. Angie also created the Academic Advising Mentors program. This innovative program trains students to provide first-level advising, providing undergraduates with fast, personalized service from their peers. Angie is also an outstanding leader. Last year as the School of Natural Sciences started the administrative assessment planning process, she was not only the most enthusiastic staff member, but she also motivated her team to look to the future and think deeply about ways that they could better serve and prepare students for their academic success. Angie has proven herself to be a strong leader and tireless champion for the students in Natural Sciences.
Carrie King
Graduate Student Programs Coordinator - School of Natural Sciences
Carrie King goes the extra mile and then some. Carrie goes out of her way to make sure that graduate student voices are heard, and her focus on customer satisfaction in this regard is like a laser. When she sees an inefficiency or need in regard to policy or process, she points out the problem, conceives of possible solutions, and works with others to implement change -- often visionary change. She takes the initiative when she sees a problem and doggedly works to find a solution. As one example of going beyond the specified duties of her job, in order to assist graduate programs in the School of Natural Sciences, she helped faculty and staff who required retention and placement information in order to answer WASC questions. She contributed significantly to the WASC proposal for Quantitative Systems Biology's graduate program by providing information as needed. She deserves recognition for her long hours, her initiative, and her can-do attitude.
Jennifer Cisneros
Assurance and Controls Analyst - Business and Financial Services
Jennifer Cisneros strives to provide not only quality work, but work that matters. Jennifer identified and acted on opportunities to significantly streamline processes, and developed and implemented critical controls processes that played a key role in improving the control environment at UC Merced. This past year she improved the Controls website by enhancing the “Controls Clips” section to include important policy and controls topics covered in Administrative Officers meetings. Jennifer also created and led the Campus Business Officers Institute (BOI) Orientation Program to provide critical information and a forum for questions to help prepare attendees for the rigorous four day system-wide program. These important enhancements to our control environment help reduce control risk by driving consistency and compliance, bringing our new Management Services Officer (MSOs) up to speed faster, and providing important reference information to campus constituents. The insight that Jennifer brings to every project she is involved in is invaluable.
Mary Weppler-Selear
Library Services Manager - Library
As Library Services Manager, Mary Weppler-Selear manages the daily operations of the Library providing superior customer service to the diverse UC Merced campus community. Mary’s leadership of the large student employment group ensures that the Library is able to balance a wide variety of competing campus activities and needs, including study, research, meetings, and events. She has been influential in making library use easier & more useful, collaborating with librarians and other staff to improve online resources, digital & directional signage in the library and general service desk operations. In addition to her primary duties, Mary serves as the coordinator of the library art and exhibits program and has overseen over 40 different exhibits. Without her careful management, daily guidance & direction, and attention to detail, the library would be much less organized & efficient.