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Chancellor's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women

Representative: Sarah Hopkins-Chery
Term date: 9/1/20 - 8/31/21
Charge: The committee will be dedicated to improving conditions for women and gender equity on campus. The charge to the committee is: to identify and analyze issues relating to the status of women at UC Merced, including faculty, staff and students; to inform and educate the campus community about conditions that affect the status of women within the university; and to advise and make recommendations to the chancellor regarding policies and procedures that would improve conditions for women.

Child Care Advisory Council

Representative: Lauren Brackett
Term date: 9/1/20 - 8/31/21
Charge: Make recommendations regarding the program, services, functions, and other childcare related issues. This committee will provide technical expertise necessary to address issues regarding the quality and affordability of childcare, proposed changes in policy, and long-range planning for the center.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Grant Committee

Representative: Yazmin Colin
Term date: 9/1/20 - 8/31/21
Charge: The Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Grant ( proposal program seeks to create and sustain a campus environment in which all UC Merced faculty and staff members and students feel respected, included and valued.

Transportation and Parking Advisory Committee

Representative: Katherine Brown
Term date: 9/1/20 - 8/31/21
Charge: To assist the Vice Chancellor of Administration in the formulation of policies and procedures related to the overall transportation and parking program at UC Merced. This includes, but is not limited to, vehicles, bicycles, pedestrian traffic as well as the operations and services of the CatTracks and County transit systems; to provide a communication link between the users of the transportation programs and those responsible for providing such programs and enforcing the regulations governing them.

Police Advisory Board

Representative: Priya Lakireddy
Term date: 9/1/20 - 8/31/21
Charge: The Police Advisory Board is an independent body that will make recommendations related to campus issues and concerns, community outreach programs, training, policy development and ways to help support the goals and initiatives of the UCM Police Department. The Police Advisory Board does not serve as a police review or accountability board and does not formally review specific police matters.

Campus Advisory, Resources and Education (CARE) Advisory Board

Representative: Soceek Tchouboukjan
Term date: 9/1/20 - 8/31/21
Charge: The CARE Advisory Board will review, innovate and implement services, policies, prevention strategies and protocols for sexual violence, domestic and dating violence, and stalking in the UC Merced community.
CARE mission:

We Educate

Campus Advocacy, Resources and Education (CARE) provides prevention education for the UC Merced community to achieve an environment free from the threat of sexual violence, dating/domestic violence and stalking.

We Advocate

We provide free, confidential and knowledgeable support for those impacted by sexual violence, dating/domestic violence and stalking.

We Empower

We encourage the UC Merced community to step in and speak up against a culture that allows sexual violence, dating/domestic violence and stalking to occur.


Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Land Use

Representative: Alvin Cha
Term date: 1/1/21 - 8/31/21
Charge: In collaboration with the Vice Chancellor for Physical Operation Planning and Development, the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost and the Office of Research and Economic Development, the Chancellor’s Office is developing a new Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Land Use (CACLU). CACLU will help develop necessary policies and procedures related to responsible land use and management that will best support research and instruction on the UC Merced campus. CACLU will also provide resource recommendations to support the use and management of UC Merced land for research, instructional purposes and other significant institutional uses. CACLU will evaluate and make recommendations on current land use requests and will advise on core infrastructure improvements, land management frameworks, compliance strategies, academic and curricular collaborations, public interface with UC Merced land, and sustainable resource models. CACLU is advisory to the Chancellor.