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2024-2025 Staff Assembly Board Nominations Now Open! Please click here to self nominate!


What is the mission of UC Merced Staff Assembly?

The UC Merced Staff Assembly is officially recognized by the Office of the Chancellor as an independent advisory body to the university administration on issues of concern to staff.

The purpose of the Staff Assembly is to promote effective communication between campus employees, to participate in decision-making on issues and matters of interest to staff, to foster professional contacts and mentoring among staff, to recognize and celebrate the rich diversity of backgrounds and contributions that staff offer in support of the university's mission, and to encourage professional growth and advancement. The UC Merced Staff Assembly does not function as a collective bargaining unit.

How much does it cost?

There is no fee for participation. All staff are automatically members.

Why participate?

It is through your support that Staff Assembly is able to continue to provide all UC Merced staff with important information, opportunities, events, and staff camaraderie in the areas of administration, scholarships, professional development, and community involvement. By participating in Staff Assembly, we represent ourselves and others, ensuring that staff have influence on the policies and practices that govern our campus community. Let Staff Assembly be your ear and your voice! 

Now What?

Get involved! Staff Assembly is only as good as its members.