Through UC Merced Staff Assembly, staff members are offered the opportunity to become representatives on campus committees. This provides us with an opportunity for personal and professional growth and service to our campus community.
Affirmative Action/EEO Committee
Chair: Michael Salvador
Staff Assembly Representative: VACANT
Term Date: 9/1/18 - 8/31/19
Charge: To develop UCM Affirmative Action/EEO Policy, development of Discrimination Complaint Procedure, evaluation and monitoring of UC Merced's Affirmative Action Programs, tie the AA goals to UCM recruitment process, design training and education related to the plans, audit campus personnel programs to measure the extent to which goals have been attained, and facilitation of campus-wide programs and projects to promote diversity.
Campus Physical Planning Committee
Chair: Phil Woods
Staff Assembly Representative: Tom Bustos
Term Date: 9/1/18 - 8/31/19
Charge: The CPPC provides advice, guidance, and recommendations to the chancellor and campus development staff about major physical and capital improvement decisions for on and off-campus development. The CPPC insures that the physical development of campus is reviewed in the context of academic planning efforts.
Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Sustainability
Chair: Colleen McCormick
Staff Assembly Representative: Keith Hughes
Term Date: 9/1/18 - 8/31/19
Charge: To promote environmental stewardship and development that is based on ecological principals at the University of California, Merced. Sustainability refers to the physical development and institutional operating practices that meet the needs of present users without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, particularly with regard to the use and conservation of natural resources. The committee is charged with advising the Chancellor on matters pertaining to environmental sustainability, goals, policies, and practices at UC Merced.
Chancellor's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women
Co-Chairs: Amy Moffat, Amelia Johnson, Jessica Blois
Staff Assembly Representative: Christina Lux
Term Date: 9/1/18 - 8/31/19
Charge: The committee is dedicated to improving conditions for women and gender equity on campus. The charge to the committee is to identify and analyze issues relating to the status of women at UC Merced, including faculty, staff and students; to inform and educate the campus community about conditions that affect the status of women within the university; and to advise and make recommendations to the Chancellor regarding policies and procedures that would improve conditions for women.
Chancellor's Advisory Council on Campus Climate, Culture and Inclusion
Co-Chairs: Yesenia Curiel & Christopher Ramirez
Staff Assembly Representative: VACANT
Term Date: 9/1/18 - 8/31/19
Charge: Cultivate an inclusive environment where all faculty, staff and student contributions can be highly regarded;
- Champion innovative approaches to addressing concerns that result in action and foster a climate that unites faculty, staff and students in shaping an inclusive learning, working and living environment;
- Encourage a process where everyone is recognized for their service to the campus community;
- Honor the diversity of the campus community and ensure that distinct voices and viewpoints are heard and woven into the fabric of our rich institution, and
- Advise campus leaders and the campus community in developing and promoting data- and research-driven best practices to create a welcoming and inclusive environment.
Child Care Advisory Council
Chair: Danielle Waite
Staff Assembly Representative: Jennifer Taylor
Term Date: 9/1/18 – 8/31/19
Charge: To make recommendations regarding the program, services, functions, and other child care related issues. This committee will provide technical expertise necessary to address issues regarding the quality and affordability of child care, proposed changes in policy, and long range planning for the center.
Police Advisory Board
Chair: Kit Myers
Staff Assembly Representative: VACANT
Term Date: 9/1/18 - 8/31/19
Charge: The Police Advisory Board is an independent body that will make recommendations related to campus issues and concerns, community outreach programs, training, policy development and ways to help support the goals and initiatives of the UCM Police Department. The Police Advisory Boardd does not serve as a police review or accountability board and does not formally review specific police matters.
Transportation and Parking Advisory Committee
Chair: Karin Groth
Staff Assembly Representative: Michelle Comer
Term Date: 9/1/18 - 8/31/19
Charge: To assist the Vice Chancellor of Administration in the formulation of policies and procedures related to the overall transportation and parking program at UC Merced. This includes, but is not limited to, vehicles, bicycles, pedestrian traffic as well as the operations and services of the CatTracks and County transit systems; to provide a communication link between the users of the transportation programs and those responsible for providing such programs and enforcing the regulations governing them.
UC Merced Student Conduct Board
Chair: Le'Trice Curl
Staff Assembly Representative: Julie Sagusay
Term Date: 9/1/18 - 8/31/19
Charge: The UC Merced Student Conduct Board is advisory to the vice chancellor, Student Affairs (VCSA) for Student Disciplinary Hearings and SVSH Appeals Hearings. Board members may also be called upon to review Student Grievances. With regard to Disciplinary Hearings, board members will be the reviewer of facts pertaining to the review of student grievances and allegations of student misconduct when a formal student conduct hearing is appropriate and is requested by a student. As representatives of the University it shall be your responsibility to ensure due process standards articulated in the UC Merced Code of Student Conduct are followed and that the rights and responsibilities of all participants of a formal hearing or a grievance review are known and observed. Using the preponderance of evidence standard, you will continue all facts presented, weigh the credibility of those facts, and determine the appropriate outcome in accordance with the campus Code of Student Conduct and the Policy on Student Grievances.
With regard to Appeals Hearings involving Sexual Violence or Sexual Harassment cases, the board serves as the appeals body. Responsibilities include reviewing the grounds for appeal and hearing testimony and reviewing evidence submitted in support of the approved grounds for appeal. The appeals body will determine the outcome of the appeal and issue a written decision.