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Campus Demonstrates Support for Undocumented Students on Immigrant Day of Action

As one of the most diverse institutions in the University of California system, UC Merced welcomes and supports all undocumented students.

On Tuesday, Nov. 9, the campus joined the national movement I Stand With Immigrants Initiative Day of Action to celebrate all immigrants who are part of the Bobcat community and worldwide.

2021 State of the University Address Highlights UC Merced’s Accomplishments

Delivering his first in-person State of the University campus address, Chancellor Juan Sánchez Muñoz outlined the progress UC Merced has achieved across many fields and laid out initial plans for investing a historic $20 million gift to the university.

“The state of UC Merced is indeed exceptional,” he pronounced in the address delivered Thursday to a group of external supporters and Friday to faculty and staff. “And because of our shared vision, our shared resources and our shared efforts, our shared future is boundless.”

UC Merced Launches Initiative to Aid Fleeing Afghan Scholars

The recent takeover of Afghanistan by Taliban forces has caused many Afghans to flee their homes searching for asylum.

Responding to the urgency of the current situation in Afghanistan, UC Merced’s Center for the Humanities has joined the rest of the UC campuses in starting a campaign to help Scholars at Risk (SAR) save the lives of scholars in the region, as well as in other turbulent areas of the world.


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