Staff Excellence Award in the Category of Creativity goes to Christina Lux
- Every year, this staff member’s creativity and problem solving capacity is amazing as she proposes excellent new ideas, programs, grants, and activities.
- She proposed and was instrumental in getting approval for the Center for the Humanities lead role in the "Write to Change the World" program, a new 9- campus UC initiative involving 60+ faculty from across disciplines, in collaboration with the OpEd Project. The focus of this project is on increasing the number of underrepresented faculty voices in the media - specifically women and people of color.
- This year, she recommended the launch of nine new grant programs, including Seed Grants of up to $20k to either 1) launch a project that will result in submission of major external funding proposals 2) launch new on-campus initiatives and programs 3) start new programs in public humanities and arts.
- She organized and hosted more than 30 programs and events, and co-sponsored 25 events initiated by faculty and organized by units such as Student Life, Office of Undergraduate Education, the Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty, and SSHA Seminars that promoted interdisciplinary, cross-school conversations, and community engagement.